Back to the 90’s With Tartan Fashion

Many people remember the 90’s and all the glorious fashions that it brought with it – chunky digital watches, tracksuits and popped collars are some that most of us would probably rather forget. One trend which has stood the test of time, however, is tartan; back in fashion for the 2013 and 2014 winter seasons, now has never been a better time to buy a tartan kilt.

Tartan Kilts – Observing Fashion Whilst Maintaining Tradition

Scotland prides itself on a vibrant culture that has arisen from a rich history which ranges from the founding of the clans all the way up to the modern day. Originally, the pattern on a Scotsman’s tartan kilt identified which clan he was a member of and which part of the country he was from. Nowadays, people can still choose tartan kilts based on clan, but more commonly it is just out of personal preference. The kilt itself evolved from a hunting garment designed to give greater mobility to an item for everyday wear. Either way, if being fashionable is a primary concern you can be assured that your tartan kilt is very much ‘in’ this year. You don’t have to be Scottish to wear a tartan kilt though; many Scottish customs are celebrated in England, Ireland, Wales and the world over, and can be a perfect time to wear a kilt. Have you been invited to a Burns Night celebration? A tartan kilt is a fantastic way to get into the spirit and make sure that you celebrate the works of Scotland’s favourite son in style. Or how about hogmanay? A tartan kilt will make sure that you ring in the new year in the proper fashion.

What Should You Wear With a Tartan Kilt?

For those not well versed in the traditional outfits that a tartan kilt is a part of, a refresher course might be useful. The best thing to start with is a Harris Tweed jacket – this is another item of Scottish clothing that has seen a resurgence in recent years. Couple this with a white shirt, a five button waistcoat and a suitable tie and you’ve got the beginnings of a traditional and fashionable outfit. You’ll also want to make sure you have a sporran, which functions as a pocket with a traditionally pocket-less kilt. As for the lower half, you’ll want to get a pair of traditional hose and pair them off with some contemporary brogues to maintain a modern look to go with your tartan kilt.

If You Need Highland Dress of Any Kind, Visit The Scotland Kilt Company

There’s nothing quite like owning your own tartan kilt, and here at The Scotland Kilt Company we can supply you with the best. Whether it’s just the kilt you’re looking for or all the accessories to go with it, you can be sure that we stock it. For more information, email us at or call 0131 553 3472.

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