Fall in love with Scotland this Valentine’s Day
February 10, 2015 Fall in love with Scotland this Valentine’s Day They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder; and I believe love is too. Flaws to one person are endearing quirks to another, and it’s often these traits which make you fall for someone - or something, or someplace - and build a bond that can last a lifetime. As my mother always wisely and honestly said, ‘Love is about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.’ Scotland is often described as ‘rugged’ and ‘wild’; two words you don’t link to romance or ideas of love! However, like all good love stories, scratch beneath the surface a little and you will see a depth, excitement and beauty that exists in few other places in the world. So, in honour of Valentine’s Day approaching this Saturday, we thought it would be fitting to compile a list of our top ten reasons to fall in love with Scotland this Valentine’s Day. Please add your own comments at the bottom of the post if you have any other special moments when your love affair with our beautiful land started! Edinburgh Our capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site, Edinburgh has a magical feel with the castle overlooking the city, like in a fairy tale. It’s also where the SKC shop is, so definitely a reason to visit! Scotch whisky There are just shy of one hundred distilleries in Scotland, each producing their own distinctive tasting drams. Harris Tweed Hand woven and finished by islanders in their homes in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, this beautiful fabric is also made from pure virgin wool. Check out our range here . The accent Aye, some say it’s the softest and sexiest accent there is, others find it impossible to understand! Ye ken, no whit I ah mean? Tartan One of the most recognisable Scottish cultural icons in the world, there are hundreds of thousands of unique tartan designs, often representing a family clan or history. Check out our tartan collections on our website. Burns Night Only in Scotland could we make the festive season last until the end of January by celebrating the renowned works of poet Robbie Burns. The Loch Ness Monster Nessie is real. Say no more. Haggis OK it may not be the prettiest of dishes, but my goodness it tastes good! Wholesome, traditional Scottish food at its best. Irn Bru Oh yes, sticking with the foodie theme, Irn Bru is often referred to as ‘Scotland’s other national drink’. If you haven’t tried it, you haven’t lived. The Isle of Skye One of the most magical and special places on earth: breathtaking and spectacular scenery with a cultural history to match.