Men's 5 Yard Kilt - 16oz Heavyweight Wool - Made to Order

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Men's Kilt, 100% Wool, 16oz, 5 yard, Traditional Scottish Hand Made

Kilt manufacture takes between 7 to 8 weeks depending on availability of the fabric with the mill. We cannot ensure availability of all fabrics at all times.

If you would like to ensure availability of fabric before purchasing please contact us either by phone or email.

All kilts are produced in the "To Sett" style where the pattern or sett on the back of the kilt appears the same as it does on the front of the kilt.

We are able to offer kilts as the "To Stripe" style separately but this incurs additional charges and must be discussed with our sales team either by phone or email to ensure feasibility.

Each kilt is made to measure by a kiltmaker in Scotland of extremely high repute. The kilt is made with a minimum of 5 yards material, normally more depending on your kilt size. Front edge has double fringe, there are two belt loops at the back and a single adjustable strap and buckle on each side of the kilt.

Material type: 16 oz Weight Worsted 100% Pure Wool.

Anderson Ancient, Anderson Modern, Auld Land Syne Grey, Auld Land Syne Modern, Baird Modern, Battle Axe, Battle Cry, Black Isle, Black Shadow, Black Watch DA Modern, Black Watch Modern, Black Watch Muted, Braveheart, Brown Modern, Bruce Ancient, Bruce Modern, Buchanan Ancient, Cairngorm, Caledonia Ancient, California Modern, Cameron of Erracht Modern, Cameron of Erracht Muted, Campbell Ancient, Campbell of Argyll Ancient, Campbell of Argyll Modern, Campbell of Cawdor Modern, Campbell of Louden, Carmichael Modern, Chisholm Hunting Ancient, Clan Durie, Clan Family, Colquhoun Ancient, Cook Modern, Cornish Hunting, Cornish National, Cry, Cunningham Ancient, Cunningham Modern, Davidson Ancient, Davidson Modern, Douglas Ancient, Douglas DA Modern, Douglas Green Ancient, Douglas Green Modern, Douglas Grey Modern, Douglas Modern, Earl of St Andrew's, Erskine Red Modern, Erskine Red/Green, Farquharson Ancient, Farquharson Modern, Ferguson Ancient, Ferguson Modern, Fraser Ancient Hunting, Fraser Modern Red, Fraser of Lovat Modern, Galbraith Ancient, Gordon Ancient, Gordon Dress Modern, Gordon Modern, Graham of Mentieth Ancient, Graham of Mentieth Modern, Graham of Mentieth Red, Grampian, Granite City, Grant Red Modern, Great Scot, Grey Shadow, Gunn Ancient, Gunn DA Modern, Gunn Modern, Hamilton Hunting Ancient, Harvie, Henderson Ancient, Holyrood, Hume/Home Modern, Irish American, Isle of Skye, Kennedy Modern, Kerr Modern, Lamont Ancient, Lamont Modern, Lennox Ancient, Lennox Modern, Leslie Modern Red, Lindsay Hunting Ancient, Lindsay Modern, Lochaber Weathered, Lumsden Green, MacAlister Modern, MacArthur Modern, MacArthur of Milton Modern, MacAvoy Modern, MacDonald Modern, MacDonald Muted, MacDonald of Clanranald Ancient, MacDonald of Clanranald Dress Muted, MacDonald of Clanranald Muted, MacDonald of Kippoch, Macdonald of the Isles Hunting Ancient, MacDonald of the Isles Hunting Modern, MacDougall Ancient, MacDougall Modern, MacFarlane Hunting Ancient, MacGregor Hunting Modern, MacInnes Modern Hunting, MacInnes Muted Red, MacIntosh Hunting Modern, MacIntosh Red Muted, MacKay Ancient, MacKay Ancient, MacKay Blue Ancient, MacKay Modern, MacKenzie Ancient, MacKenzie DA Modern, MacKenzie Modern, MacKintosh Modern, MacLean Hunting Modern, MacLean of Duart Ancient Hunting, MacLean of Duart Modern Red, MacLean of Duart Weathered, MacLennan Ancient, MacLennan Weathered, MacLeod of Harris Hunting Ancient, MacLeod of Harris Hunting Modern, MacLeod of Harris Modern, MacMillan Black Modern, MacNaughton Muted, MacNeil of Barra Ancient, MacNeil of Barra Modern, MacNeil of Collonsay Modern, MacPhee Muted, MacPherson Modern, MacPherson Red Ancient, MacPherson Red Modern, MacRae Hunting Ancient, MacRae Hunting Modern, MacSheehy, Manx Hunting, Maple Leaf, Maxwell Modern, Menzies Black & White, Montgomery Blue Modern, Murray of Atholl Ancient, Murray of Atholl Modern, Murray of Atholl Muted, Nevis, Nicolson Hunting, Nicolson Muted, Prince of Wales, Ramsay Modern Blue, Ramsay New Red, Robertson DA Hunting Ancient, Robertson Hunting Ancient, Robertson Hunting Modern, Robertson Red Modern, Ross Modern Red, Royal Stewart, Royal Stewart DA, Scotland's National, Scott Red Modern, Scottish American, Scottish Heritage, Silver Granite, Smith Ancient, Solid Black Modern, Spirit of Scotland, Stewart Black Modern, Stewart DA Royal Modern, Stewart Dress Modern, Stewart Hunting Modern, Stewart Prince Charles Edward Modern, Stuart of Bute Hunting Modern, Stuart of Bute Modern, Sutherland Ancient, Sutherland Modern, Texas Bluebonnet, Thomson Grey Modern, Wallace Red Modern, Watson Ancient, Western Isles

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