Here at The Scotland Kilt Company you can find a wide choice of kilts, accessories and Scottish Harris Tweed jackets. What is Harris Tweed and what makes this material so unique and desirable? Today we’re looking at the history of Harris Tweed.

Heritage And History Of Harris Tweed

The story begins with the inhabitants of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The luxury woollen cloth used for tweed jackets has been produced entirely by hand by the skilled islanders of Lewis, Harris, Uist and Barra. They have long been known for their perfect weaving. Despite the superior quality of the cloth, it was primarily sold only in local markets until the mid 19th century. However, in 1846 everything changed when Lady Dunmore, the widow of Earl Dunmore, the landowner of Harris, chose the Harris weavers to replicate their clan’s tartan in tweed. The result was so successful that it didn't take long for Lady Dunmore to begin marketing this beautiful material to her wealthy friends. The popularity of the cloth began to increase and led to merchants across the country requesting to sell the tweed. This marked the beginning of the Harris tweed industry. Harris Tweed soon became desired by the elite and demand increased sharply. Between 1903 and 1906 the tweed production was in full swing. However, it soon became necessary to take measures to ensure that quality standards were maintained and that the tweed was protected from imitators looking to cash in on the island’s success. That’s why, in 1906, The Harris Tweed Association Limited was established with a view to creating a quality control stamp for the tweed. This mark of certification was granted in 1909, with the stamping process commencing in 1911. In the subsequent decades, Harris Tweed became known and loved the world over. This material became a fashion staple and could be seen on everyone from the Royal Family to Hollywood icons, on catwalks and on red carpets. It remains a popular choice for top fashion designers. By the middle of the twentieth century, Harris tweed had cemented its status as a timeless textile. Things began to change in the 1990’s when production processes were modernised and wider, softer, lighter tweed was introduced. The introduction of cheaper imitation tweed garments threatened the survival of Harris tweed, however, the sheer quality and timeless elegance of Harris Tweed ensured it remained the popular choice for those looking for luxury fabric with unrivalled longevity and style.

The Scotland Kilt Company Provider Of Harris Tweed

If you are looking to buy Harris Tweed jackets or kilts, why not browse our website? You will find a wide choice of top quality Classic and Lightweight Scottish Harris Tweed Jackets. When buying from us you can be certain that you are getting genuine, top quality Harris tweed jackets. All of the items found on our page are in stock and available for express delivery. So whether you are seeking the perfect traditional jacket to compliment a certain outfit, or you simply want a quality jacket that will last you through the years, take a look at our Harris Tweed range and you won’t be left disappointed. For more information please email: or call: 0131 553 3472